Museo della carta e della filigrana

Home Bookings


Type of visit

Opening Hours:

The museum is open from tuesday to sunday
from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and from 3 PM to 6 PM.
For visits in english, contact us at the number 0732.22334
in order to make a reservation (based on the availability of the staff).
With the purchase of a ticket for the Museum of Paper is included
access to the "Bruno Molajoli" civic art gallery.

Sono ammessi anche i cani

Type of reservation

Single (from 1 a 10)

Language of the visit


Day of the visit

Number of participants

Your booking

To make a reservation, follow the wizard and fill out all the necessary information.

Select the type of reservation, the number of participants, the language of the visit and the day during which you want to visit the Museum.

In the calendar you can choose only the dates when the online ticketing is active while you will see highlighted in red the dates that can not be selected.